Xense Profiler for DFC now open source

May 4, 2011 at 11:44 am | Posted in D6, Performance, Xense Profiler | 4 Comments
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I’m really excited to announce that from today Xense Profiler for DFC – the Documentum 6.x performance profiling tool – is now an open source project (DFCprof).

The DFCprof project is hosted on Sourceforge where you can download fully-functional binaries or build your own copy from the source code. The software is totally free – that’s free as in ‘free beer’ as well as ‘free speech’!

DFCprof can be used in a number of different ways. Most people will be interested in using it as a standalone application to process a DFC trace file and create a performance analysis report.

DFCprof basic architecture

Just download the application from sourceforge, extract the files and you are ready to go.

Alternatively you can embed the dfcprof-x.x.x.jar library into your java project and use the trace parsing facility from there. I’ll be posting more details on the DFCprof parser API in due course. I’ll also be talking about the roadmap for future DFCprof features. Feel free to drop me a line in the comments if there are particular things you would like the project to do.


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  1. Thanks Robin! I am sure this will be very helpful with troubleshooting.

    Are you also making the 5.3 version freely available?


    • Hi Pawan, I won’t be making the 5.3 version open-source as I am no longer updating the code and I expect there to be less and less need for it. However I will happily make the last compiled beta version available to anyone who wants it if they make contact with me via wordpress or Linked-in (http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=1974912)

      • Robin,

        I would like a copy of the last compiled version of the 5.3 beta.


      • Hi Pawan, meant to email you the details after I posted that comment but ran out of time-I was already in trouble for working on a Sunday. Will sort it out in the next few days. Robin

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